Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Book Review: Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Have you read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? 

{image via}

I realize that millions of people are already in on my secret, but this book, and the two others in the trilogy, are some of the most entertaining and exciting novels that I have ever read.   Written by the late Steig Larsson and translated from Swedish, the Millennium Series books are brilliantly written thrillers that feature one of the most compelling characters in modern literature in the form of computer hacker Lisbeth Salander.

Give the first book a try, and hang in there for a few chapters.   It starts a little slow and the Swedish names and places take a bit of getting used to, but eventually you will be hooked.


Ck said...

Great! I just got a copy when I went up north to visit, and will be moving it to the top of my reading list.

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