Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kitchen Inspiration

This is not my kitchen.  But I have decided to pretend that it is.
image via House Beautiful

For three years, I've been giving my kitchen light fixtures the evil eye, while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to correct the fact that they are hideous.  And now, all of the sudden, I can no longer look at them unless I am in the company of a licensed electrian armed with tools and ready to fix the ugly that hangs from the kitchen ceiling.

The previous owners of our home (who thankfully, do not read this blog) made some, well, hasty decorating decisions when trying to sell the house in a buyer's market.  They decided to "redo" the kitchen, which roughly translates to hanging as many mismatched light fixtures in one medium sized room as the ceiling would support.

Which brings me to my elusive search for the perfect fixtures.  After trolling the internet, digging through years and years of design magazines, and visiting every home improvement warehouse and lighting showroom in a 50 mile radius, it seems that the key to kitchen lighting is to look like you have none at all. 

And while we're at it, is it an unwritten rule that when you start one home improvement project, you unearth a dozen more?  Sigh.


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